Brother Riggin & Brother Van

    In the Summer of 1873 - Brother Riggin and Brother Van’s circuit was immense in size.  The Headquarters was in Sheridan, but they went down the Jefferson River Fish Creek which is a small stream flowing into the Jefferson a few miles South of Whitehall, East of the Tobacco Root Range was Virginia City, the Territorial Capital, and farther over the range was the Madison Valley which was beginning to be filled with Settlers.  

    To the West they journeyed to the Valley of the Beaverhead River and beyond it to Bannack, and across the Bitterroot Mountains to Where Salmon City and Lemhi in Idaho are now.

    There were others, the following appointments on the Beaverhead Circuit were: Sheridan, Virginia City, Madison Valley, Fish Creek, Poindexter (Dillon), Bannack and Salmon City               


- From the Book:  When Wagon Trails Were Dim                                                                                                                                         A collection of historical accounts of Montana’s circuit riders

(L) Brother Riggin & (R) Brother Van                                                                                                                                                            - - Beaverhead Circuit Page 25

A Living History Circuit - Part 1

Sometimes people living in an isolated area where there is not a local church, even if at one time they were walking with Him, 

they can feel as though they left God behind somewhere.  Some may think, "I was close to Him at one time, but when I left and came here, I sort of left that all behind me."  It is important that they be reminded that the Lord is right there with them,

and knows them better than they know themselves.  He is familiar with every detail of their lives.

O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.  Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my

thought afar off.  Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.  For their is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it all together.  Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.  

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it.    - Psalm 139:1-5  


The purpose of this living history event profile isn't to highlight these particular communities.  This area has characteristics

like many in different rural regions.  At one time there was a regular circuit in this region, with church services happening in each of these towns.  In modern times transportation has changed, making it possible for some folks to just go gather with believers in another community near them.  But that isn't always the case.  Many churches have been closed, simply because the limited population in that community seemed not to be worth the effort.  These communities below are not at all unique.  

Five of the six communities pictured in Part 1 & 2, do not have a local church.

* Note:  This Circuit has been reenacted multiple times, so some of the photos below were taken on different years.

  • Lord Let us be a Blessing in

    Each Community on the Circuit

  • Leaving in a heavy rain

    4.5 Hours to go / Over 1 pass

  • Just a Little Farther

  • The first Community

  • Arrived at a good time

  • it is good to see you all

  • How great thou art

  • "and the word became flesh..."

  • A community meal together

  • Camp - then on to the next town


  • resting at the summit

  • More than half way there

  • the second community

  • Great is thy faithfulness

  • "for god so loved the world..."


    1 HOUR TO GO

  • the third community

  • amazing grace

  • "...for the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross..."

  • Camp / then On to the next town