Have you been asked, “If you are a Christian, how can you do that … or say that?” Sometimes I don’t feel much like a Christian, especially when someone makes a remark like that! However, I have to say that my idea of a fulfilling Christian life has changed quite a bit. I was raised on the importance of “food, fresh air, and exercise.” Food was reading the Bible, fresh air was talking to God in prayer, and exercise was telling others the message of Christ (all good things, truly). Then we had to tithe, go to church regularly, believe the right things, and not go to unwholesome places. We were not to tell dirty stories or use bad language. For the most part, I think I did okay most of the time, but I spent far more time trying to keep from sinning than I did loving God and my neighbor. I did find that the more I hung around people who believed and did the same things, the easier it was. I realized finally, that I really wasn’t depending on the Holy Spirit for guidance, but I just had to adjust to the Christian culture around me.
Let God Fill That Empty Slate and “To Do” List
Pastor Wendell Seward, N. California