We are currently partnering together with various ministries, to provide an opportunity for the pastors, church planters and missionaries of any particular region of the world, to spend time together over a period of days, working through issues that may be hindering them from truly functioning together as the body of Christ.
Because each translated session is under an hour, this on-line version of the Co-Laboring Together Seminar can be used to facilitate gatherings over a period of two or three days, or even a once a week get-together, over a period months. The Co-Laboring Together Seminar is focused on looking together as pastors, church planters and missionaries ,deeply at what it means to apply Scriptures such as Ephesians 4, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Philippians 2, in practical ways, as the collective church of an entire region.
See the available translations below!