140th Anniversary of the 1st Church Service

in Shoshone County, Idaho

A Living History Event that Gave Helpful Perspectives for the Future

1884    - April 6th -    2024

    Looking back at how events unfolded in the establishment of this region's communities, we learned that the very first protestant church service was held on April 6, 1884.  Gold had been discovered in the region only about six months earlier, and the new communities were just taking root.  But already, God had laid it on the heart of a circuit riding minister from Montana to come into these newly established communities.  After some time here, he gathered the people for the first time, on Palm Sunday, and a brand-new newspaper from the time said that he spoke to a "packed house, which overflowed into the street.  The congregation represented all classes, callings, occupations and professions, as well as various denominations".  Men had rushed here in search of riches from many many places!

    On Saturday April 6th, 2024, both with the heart to thank the Lord for all that He had done in our county's past here, but also as an occasion to rededicate ourselves to His will and purposes as the body of Christ here in this region, we held a 140th Anniversary Commemorative Service.  It was fun for all, giving this special gathering the flavor of "Living History".  And just like the 1st service, the congregation represented many different local vocations, Christian backgrounds, and various denominations.  It was a very meaningful and encouraging day!

  • a pioneer community

  • To Bring good news

  • welcome everyone!

  • Lets Lift his name!

  • His amazing grace

  • Consider what he has done

  • Established in his word

  • The first courthouse

  • An Influential Community

Thoughts for Application in Your Area

- Is there a pivotal date connected to church history in your community?         - How can you encourage the community by remembering this event?

- Is this something that will open doors for the church to minister to the community as a whole?        

- Can you involve other Christian churches in your area?

Really dig.  Do your research.  You may be very surprised by opportunities to see God's loving hand at work in your community's past.

Knowing what God has done in your community's past, can be a platform of real encouragement for speaking into challenges that lie ahead.