Frontier History Minute
As Broadcast on Your Network of Praise
Serving Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado & Utah
Frontier History Minute
As Broadcast on Your Network of Praise
Serving Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado & Utah
Historical Reference Books Used for Research
- Brother Van, A Biography of the Rev. William Wesley Van Orsdel, by Alson Jesse Smith
Copyright, 1948, by Stone & Pierce
- Brother Van, Montana Pioneer Circuit Rider, by Robert W. Lind
Copyright, 1992, by Robert W. Lind, Ph.D.
- Coeur D'Alene Diary, The First Ten Years of Hard Rock Mining..., by Richard G. Magnuson
Copyright, 1968
- Life of Rev. L.B. Stateler or Sixty-Five Years on the Frontier, by Rev. E.J. Stanley
Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South 1907
- One Church Many Tribes, Following Jesus the Way God Made You, by Richard Twiss
Copyright, 2000, Baker Publishing Group
- Shoup's History of Early Lemhi County, by George Elmo Shoup / Terry Magoon & Michael Crosby
Copyright, 2020, The Salmon Library Association and The Lemhi County Historical Society & Museum, Salmon, Idaho
- Snow-Shoe Itinerant, An Autobiography of the Rev. John L. Dyer
Published for the author by Cranston & Stowe, 1890
- The Coeur d' Alenes Gold Rush and Its Lasting Legacy, by Tony & Susan Bamonte
Copyright, 2017, by Tony Bamonte & Suzanne S. Bamonte - dba Tornado Creek Publications
- When Wagon Trails Were Dim, by Paul M. Adams
Copyright, 1957, by Montana Conference Board of Education of The Methodist Church
- Wyatt Earp and Coeur d'Alene Gold! Stampede to Idaho Territory, by Jerry Dolph and Arthur Randall Copyright, 1999